Channel Industries
Mutual Aid

Welcome to CIMA
Together We Make a Difference in Texas
Channel Industries Mutual Aid (CIMA) is a non-profit organization seamlessly integrating firefighting, rescue, hazardous material handling, and emergency medical capabilities within the refining and petrochemical sector in the Greater Houston Metropolitan Area.
Emergency Response Coordination
CIMA is founded on the belief that the pooling of available resources of its members will provide a more efficient and effective response for firefighting, rescue, hazmat, and medical emergency situations for its members and non-members in the Houston Metro Area.

Industrial firefighters are trained in fire suppression techniques, hazard mitigation and various emergency response protocols. Their main goal is to protect personnel, property, and assets by providing mutual aid support from our member companies.

Rescue Operations
CIMA can offer our members support in High Angle and Confined Space rescue capabilities with highly qualified rescue technician trained responders. Rescue equipment available to CIMA members includes SCBAs, extrication equipment such as hydraulics, air bags, and cribbing.

Services We Provide

About CIMA
CIMA is an organization whose primary purpose is to respond to industrial fire alarms and extinguish fires in the Greater Houston Metropolitan area through the mutual efforts of its members, which shall include various industries, municipalities, and government entities that have the resources required to participate in these activities.
CIMA is founded on the belief that the pooling of available resources of its members will provide a more efficient and effective response for firefighting, rescue, hazmat, and emergency medical manpower. It is not the intent of CIMA to be its member’s first responder to minor emergencies, including incipient and/or single source fires.